Disclaimers, Relationships, and Privacy Policy


Content Disclaimer

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although 11542826 Canada Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "Physician Empowerment") endeavors to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

While tax is, generally, national in nature, many of the concepts discussed herein, are governed by provincial law, and every province has slightly different approaches. This presentation is meant to speak generally across province lines. If you want guidance on your particular situation, you should engage a lawyer to discuss your facts and circumstances in detail before making any decisions.

The topics discussed herein are focused on their application to taxpayers that are solely citizens and residents of Canada. Non-residents of Canada, or individuals that are citizens of other countries, may have very different considerations. Considerations for non-residents are not discussed in this presentation.

Any opinions expressed in any pre-recorded, online, or in-person presentations are strictly those of the presenter and do not represent the views and opinions of Physician Empowerment or any of its affiliates or partners


Coaching Disclaimer

This section was prepared to provide you with an understanding of the coaching services for you and our respective responsibilities in that process.

Our process will include the following:

  • History-taking: on your personal, professional and entrepreneurial journey
  • Examination: Help you identify your goals and understand the obstacles and pain points.
  • Investigation: Provide an overview of what specific areas might need closer attention and learning.
  • Referral: For consultation provided by licensed professionals in respective fields.
  • Outcomes: Reviewing progress made in reaching your goals.

You understand that the support,  advice, and recommendations provided will be based on the information you provide. You also understand that coaches of Physician Empowerment are not licensed professionals in the financial industry and thus cannot provide specific financial advice or counselling, for which they will formally, where possible, refer you on to the appropriate licensed entities. Physician Empowerment will not & cannot be held responsible for the advice or outcome based on your engagement with any third party entities.

Our responsibilities include assisting in clarifying your aspirations and making recommendations that are consistent with attaining your goals, needs and priorities. As well, we will review and monitor your progress to make ongoing recommendations, as needed. The success of our relationship will be dependent upon each of us fulfilling our responsibilities and being accountable to one another. We will mutually agree to the following:


Your Responsibilities as a Client:

  1. You will provide us (your Coaches) with the information necessary to complete the work identified under this agreement.
  2. Engage with both group and individual sessions.
  3. Access and study the relevant learning materials.
  4. You have the option of basing your decisions on advice given or seek other options from us that will allow you to achieve your objectives.
  5. As regards wellness and burnout, you will not view or use the coaching relationship as psychological counseling or any type of psychotherapy.
  6. Not to share or distribute Physician Empowerment learning materials to any third party.
  7. Maintain the privacy of fellow masterclass enrollees.


Our Responsibilities as your Coach:

  1. We will advise you (our Client) what information is required to complete the work identified under the terms of this agreement and what information is required to maintain the ongoing planning activities.
  2. We will always exercise reasonable, professional judgment and act in your best interest.
  3. Keep you apprised of upcoming online and live events.
  4. Make ourselves reasonably available for individual coaching sessions. 


Third Party Relationships

During the course of the engagement, there may be a option to consult with other professionals, (e.g. financial coach or planners, accountants, tax advisors or other licensed professionals in various fields) to assist you with specific areas identified during our coaching sessions. Consultations with other professionals will not take place without your consent.

From time to time, there might be referral fees or educational stipends that may become due to Physician Empowerment, the Empowerment Office Corp. or other related entities as a result of such referral relationships. You will be notified by the referred entities at the time of your engagement with them. You hereby acknowledge that you are aware of such potential arrangements.


Our Privacy Policy and Commitment to Protecting your Privacy

We value your business, and we thank you for your confidence in choosing Physician Empowerment. As our client, you will trust us with your personal information. We respect that trust and want you to be aware of our commitment to protect the information you share in the course of doing business with us. Your personal information will be viewed by the advisor and/or associates who have a business reason to do so and is only to be used in a manner consistent with the purpose for which it was collected or with your express consent.

Your Rights as they pertain to your Personal Information

  • You have the right to know why an organization collects, uses or discloses your personal information.
  • You have the right to expect an organization to handle your information reasonably and to not use it for any other purpose other than the one to which you consented.
  • You have the right to know who in an organization is responsible for protecting your information.
  • You have the right to expect an organization to protect your information from unauthorized disclosure.
  • You have the right to inspect the information an organization holds about you and make sure it is accurate, complete and current.
  • You have the right to expect an organization to destroy your information when requested or when no longer required for the intended purpose.
  • You have the right to confidentially complain to an organization about how it handles your information and to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if need be.


How We Collect, Use and Disclose your Information

When you do business with us, you share personal information, so that we may provide you with strategies that best meet your needs. You are consenting for our firm to use this information in an appropriate manner. We may use and disclose this information in order to:

  • Communicate with you in a timely and efficient manner.
  • To determine the suitability or eligibility of strategies
  • Detect and prevent fraud.
  • Analyze business results
  • Act as required or authorized by law.


What We Will Not Do With Your Information

I/We do not sell client information to anyone. Nor do we share client information with organizations outside of our relationship with you that would use it to contact you about their own products or services.




Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this [[ Insert Policy Name Here ]], please contact us:

  • By email: [email protected]
  • By visiting this page on our website: www.physempowerment.ca
  • By phone number: 780 802 9004
  • By mail: 10403 122 St NW #147, Edmonton, AB T5N 4C1