The Money Blog

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You are either growing or dying #growth #self care May 27, 2021

Every living organism, organ, or cell is either in the process of growing or dying, nothing in between. Even homeostasis is a balance of anabolism and catabolism.


The same holds true for us...

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Put your phone (and yourself) on sleep mode #self care May 20, 2021

Survey after survey shows that physicians are chronically sleep-deprived. I used to measure lost sleep not in weeks but years. 


As I’ve gotten older and less tolerant of night...

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How to โ€œturn offโ€ #self care balance Apr 22, 2021

As I mentioned in a previous communication, many of us feel that we are “always on” and accessible to our personal and practice networks.


I love my smartphone and consider it...

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